31 July 2017

30 July 2017

Rough Recovery

Surgery recovery (adenoids and tonsils) has not been pretty. Day 5. It's a wild roller coaster. At the best of times, she wants to eat potato chips and swim in the pool. At the worst of times (often evenings and all night) she is delirious and it's feels impossible to get her to take her medicines (13 times a day) or even sip water. She doesn't want popsicles or ice cream, poor thing is in so much pain. It's so hard to watch. Hopefully we are halfway done.

28 July 2017


Crostini (and lasagna) for dinner. I love it when my Mama and my Bro-in-Law team cook in the kitchen! nom nom

26 July 2017

Camp Drop Off, For Real?

Just dropped my boy and his cuz off at camp. I think they're gonna have a great time. So happy he's gonna start his own childhood camp memories.

24 July 2017

$1 Shake Joy

Road trip joys. $1 shakes from Arby's (2-5pm). Deal of the century people.

21 July 2017

"Uh Oh"... He Said To All the Rocks

Last one. Mister B was constantly saying "uh oh" whenever he saw tiny rocks that apparently appeared out of place to him? Uhhhhhh there's rocks everywhere?! He would constantly crouch down to pick them up, sometimes eat them (?!) and sometimes give them to his big brother who was happily holding his rock collection for him. It was the cutest.

Backpack Selfie

Lil' Guys Can Hike Too

The littlest guy got MAD if I put him in the backpack. He wanted to run and be free! Also, he fell a lot.

After Dinner Hike

After dinner last night we decided that we'd rather spend the evening at Garden of the Gods than in the apartment. Best choice!

14 July 2017

I Call Her Libby-Sue

"She's so nice" says Lil' A about our precious baby friend Libby-Sue. 💗

11 July 2017

Lab Work

This lil' girlie got lab work done today in preparation for a minor surgery in a couple weeks. This picture was taken pre-traumatized screaming. 😢

08 July 2017

Big Trikes and Mud Puddles

Riding these huge rough n tumble trikes into ginormous mud puddles with your best friend. Is there anything better?