19 May 2021

New Guitar

What a joy today to trade in this 1/2 size beginner guitar for a new 3/4. She earned it! She works hard, loves her music, and has made us very proud.

Current Book Pile

Every morning I read to the children for an hour from quite a large selection of books in different genres. We call it Basket Time (it’s a homeschooling thing) and I love it. Well, this is my own current Basket Time stack that I read to myself each morning too. Books are just so 💕💕💕!!! Read (or listen to) books and media that feed your ideals and inspire you on the way. It’s so important.

17 May 2021

Valiant, Hard-Working Little Man

Evening scene. He is helping Daddy by haulin’ dirt to the plant pots. Occasionally he’ll glance at me laying right here in my room on the bed watching him (I’m not feeling well), grab his gun (which is actually a plastic drill toy) and jump up to ‘protect’ me. It’s the most valiant, sweetest thing to watch.

12 May 2021

Pyramids and the Meaning of Life


For half an hour I sat in solitude, gazing at what was before me. 3 giant monuments. The culmination of generations of work, tied up with beliefs about life after death. There was hope for eternal peace wrapped up in these powerful towers. Meanwhile, on the car speakers was a song on repeat that drew my mind toward thoughts of a simple life. A life of contentment, love, faithfulness. No giant monuments in that life... at least none to be seen. And certainly none worthy to have hope set upon them.

May my daily life at home with my children, my man, my neighbors BE MY WORSHIP, be MY MONUMENT. My eternity is already secure in Jesus, my Savior, yet I want to build a monument of worship for Him still in the daily things in front of me. That’s where life is found. Holiness is there. Worship is there. May that be where I am found.