30 March 2020

Invisible Virus

Boy, age 4, trying to understand the Corona Virus. “Mama, is it invisible?” “Yes, it is” I said. “Like super-duper lizard camouflage? It’s there but you can’t see it?” “Well, yes actually. Just like that.” He’s got it figured out!

27 March 2020

A Wild Ride

Playing. The little lady gives an adrenaline producing plasma card ride, lemme tell ya!

26 March 2020

He Climbs In, Every Night

Every night this man climbs in with each kid one by one to chat, pray and tuck them in. He’s really such an excellent father. ❤️

18 March 2020

Look What I Can Do

Previously undiscovered talent: pushing elevator button with knee.

10 March 2020

Much Clothing

This morning he put on a taco button-up (yes he owns a taco ‘dress up’ shirt, although he made sure to tell me that he doesn’t like tacos, but he does likes this shirt) a robot tee-shirt, a green sweater vest, a raccoon fleece and an Ohio State hoodie. AND A CLIP ON TIE. So that he could go outside to have his Starfall time. (It’s 63 degrees outside). This kid is just the best.

05 March 2020

Trampoline Nap Glory

Trampoline rest. Can I get an amen? Who else does this?