What For?

I write for the delight it is to put my day into words and photographs. My kids. My husband. My experiences. My thoughts.  The things we do. The stuff I cook. Things change for me when they go from swirling around in my over-stimulated multi-tasking head to being typed in black and white 'Georgia' font on my screen. Things become clearer. I get perspective. I see God more. I appreciate more. I see more beauty. I have more joy.


I write for my children. I want my kids to know that caring for them and their father every day is one of the most important, the most rewarding, the most special thing I have ever done.  And that their stories, our stories as we build this life together are worth recording, archiving, reading and re-reading. Almost daily they each hear me say "You are one of the best things that has ever happened to me."  I mean it.  I mean it with my whole heart and this blog proves it.  I want them to be able to picture their childhoods abroad and at home.  I want them to know the adventures they went on.  I want them to know that they were a part of something much bigger than themselves.  I want them to be able to read my words and feel the joy they have brought to me every step of the journey through those words. I want them to know that their Mama loves them more than life itself and that I take joy in their every accomplishment.  But also that I struggle, I share, I laugh, I think, I cry and I write about it all.  


I write for my sixty year old self.  I want to remember all these beautiful moments in our life as a family learning, loving, living together.  The good, the bad, the hysterical and the heart-melting moments.  I don't want to forget a thing.


I write because my kiddies' grandparents, aunties and uncles aren't in our daily life.  We miss them.  They miss us.  I want my words and photos to bring us a bit closer.


I write for Jesus, that He would be glorified in my life and in my writing.


This blog is just me living life.  Walking it out.  Cooking stuff.  Learning to hear God.  Raising my little blessings.  Attempting to do the right thing. Making people laugh. Trying to be Holy.  It's me creating, processing, thinking.  This is my life, my heart, my journey.