04 January 2013

Look At Me


Just look at me. Shouldn’t I be resting and nesting instead of packing and uprooting?

I guess God had different ideas. I’m trying to be okay with that. He’s pouring out abundant grace.

We continue to press on and trust Him.

Two days remain.


  1. I look at you & see a beautiful, strong woman, obeying & trusting her Lord! His strength will get you through!

  2. I think I know a tiny bit how you feel. We moved the day after I gave birth to our third daughter. And we miss WV dearly, though it is only hours away, not days. I am praying for you Suzanne! Having a new baby helps a lot, connecting your old life with your new.
    I very much like your blog! So poignant and well put. I love how you talk about God, it is beautiful!
    Ruth M.
