31 December 2017

A Bless-ed Christmastime Visit

We had the most bless-ed visit at Christmastime. Mike’s parents and dear family friend made the long trek over here to see us in our home. It was such a huge gift to have them and our time together couldn’t have been more perfect.

The day after their arrival we did what all visitors must do… the pyramids! And camel rides and the Sphinx.



It was surreal to have them with us. Such a gift.


The next pic was taken after we had a fabulous time working together to prep our Christmas feast. In an hour or two, we managed to turn out peppermint cookies, stuffing, cranberry salad, cheese ball, broccoli casserole, deviled eggs, corn casserole, breakfast casserole and fruit salad. Whew! It was so much fun to do it together, and we were able to do it so quickly!


Christmas morning was just so much fun.


It was so special to be together.






Christmas feast is served! Delicious. And so close to what they would have had in the U.S.. Even had a big ol’ turkey!


It blessed my heart so much how Grandma and Grandpa loved on my kids. What greater gift is there?! Joyce playing Headbandz with Lil’ A was hysterical! I won’t forget this scene for a long time.


Later in the day, we prepared for guests. We had a houseful of friends for appetizers, desserts, games and visiting. Having my home full of people that I love is just the best.


H and Grandpa got into Sudoku together. It was cute to watch them.


Mom and Joyce wanted to see the textile market. I’ve been to the big market downtown several times and they were up to the very adventure. It was REALLY fun to help them experience some of the busy richness that is the local market.


A couple days after Christmas we drove a couple hours to the Red Sea for one night. We wanted them to see something outside the Mega-City.

It was chilly on the coast, but there was still plenty to do.






We returned home after the beach trip and had a half day of down time… (I love this following scene… so cute).


But after half a day, it was time to celebrate Sweet N’s birthday! So special to have family here to help celebrate my girlie.



Our last day together, we managed to fit in a couple more tourism things… first stop was to the Museum. Even my family had never been there before and it was really enjoyable. I don’t have to tell you that this country is rich in interesting history!



We often moved around the city all packed into our small vehicle. We had to get creative to get everyone buckled somehow or another, but we managed and it was cozy and was so much fun. (Lil’ A is on Grandma’s lap in this photo, but you can’t see her. And B is in his carseat facing backwards.)


And after the Museum was a sailboat ride on the Nile. It was a beautiful chilly day for it.


I cannot even say how lovely this visit was. We were blessed beyond words to have family and a dear friend come to be with us in our place. Thank you so much for coming. We love you!

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