17 November 2019

Karnak Temple (Aswan and Luxor Part 6)

After a dreamy breakfast buffet (one of my favorite things in the world) and a little giant chess board playing, we loaded up to see the Karnak Temple.

This was the first time in all our trip so far that we actually saw OTHER TOURISTS. I'm serious. Until now, we were basically the only ones seeing the things we were seeing. It was sad really. But there was a line of tour buses at this temple!

And so many people!

The temple complex was a major part of the Middle Kingdom city of Thebes. Thebes was the center of Egyptian life before Cairo was. And at that time, temples for various gods were very popular. They say that 30 Pharoahs contributed to the complex over the years it was in use. It was in the 300s that Roman Emperor Constantine shut down any remaining pagan temples. 

Once again, we enjoyed the freedom to explore!

It's a remarkable temple. What can I say to do it justice?

Oh yeah. This time someone came and made the kids get down. Ha!

Obelisk. These are always carved in one solid piece. Wowzers.

This is the small room where it was believed the deity dwelled. So my kids are... you know... I have no idea what they are doing.

Few visitors persevered to the very back of the complex. We once again found ourselves all alone to rest and explore. And take lots of photos.

Sweet N took these next couple photos. She's got an eye!

And our visit came to an end and we joined the throng walking back toward the vehicles.

What a success. What a gift to be able to set our feet and eyes on ancient places like this.

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