11 April 2011

Made by Me Monday

Today I got this out:

And all I have to say about that is "ouch."

I burned myself so many times working on these tiny projects that when it was all said and done I was peeling stuff off my fingers literally not knowing if it was dried hot-glue or my very own skin.

Yeah. Ouch.

But it was worth it.

So worth it.

Wanna see?

Do you like them? Sweet N does. I am conditioning her to love them by oohing and aahing and grinning and clapping and cooing every time I put one on her. She loves the attention and I think it helps her know that these hair accessories are a good thing.

Does that make me a bad mother?

I hope not. Cause I had such fun making them and love seeing them on her sweet head that I can't imagine that these would be the first and last hair 'pretties' I ever make for my daughter...


  1. cute! You did a great job. no pics with her wearing them? :)

  2. Too fun! I just got out my glue gun to make pins/jewelry this weekend too. So glad to see other's good craftiness!

  3. oh, and by the way you are definitely NOT a bad mother for encouraging your daughter in good things!
