11 December 2011

Big Birthday

We (I) recently celebrated a pretty big birthday. Don’t tell anyone, but I turned thirty!!

We didn’t have big plans for the day. We just did regular stuff as a family, but God just made my heart burst with love for my little family that day. It was the most fabulous ‘regular’ day ever. Despite all the challenges of the current circumstances, God allowed me to feel such an overflow of His blessing in my life, which are many!


We took a fall walk down the hill to the local Starbucks in the morning.


The air was fresh, the day was gorgeous and the leaves were crunching under our feet!


Did you know that there are many Starbucks in Jordan? It’s true!


We don’t go often, but that day was a special day!


Is this the Middle East? Starbucks is universal, for sure! We felt so at home.


Christmas tree, seasonal drinks and all! Where am I?


These are some of the culprits of my heart-bursting.


They are the best.


This man too. He’s one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

And that little girlie with him is starting to show more and more personality (and humor) daily. I love watching her.

Here are some of the cute faces she decided to show her Mama…


She does this one a lot. Not that she actually wants to kiss you though…


Stickin’ her tongue out at her Mama?!


Silly grin.


I love this one! I don’t know what it is, but it’s super cute!

It was a perfect way to spend my birthday morning… with the blessings God has given me (and a caramel latte, ha!). The last thirty years have been incredible. I honestly cannot imagine what the next thirty may bring…

1 comment:

  1. I especially love the last pic of N... I think it's her, "Ohmygoodness, my mom isn't still 29? For the second time?!" look. ;)
