12 December 2011

Guess What?

We’ve changed locations.

Guess where we are?!

I’ll give you some hints.


Hint #1: Note that my daughter is in an actual CAR SEAT (and she fell asleep hugging a Santa hat, but that’s beside the point…)


Hint #2: Note my daughter’s wardrobe.


Hint #3: Note what was on the television in the background.


Hint #4: Note the scenery and the necessary outerwear.


Hint #5: Repeat of Hint #4, but with a cute girlie in a cute monkey hat this time (thanks Frames!!)


Hint #6: Note how my children were sleeping recently at dinner time.  DINNER TIME?!! Is that a hint?  Let me suggest, could it be jet lag that caused this kind of strange behavior out of my children? Hmmmmm.


Hint #7: This little guy!!  In person!!!

K, if you don’t get it by now, then you can’ t read!

We’re in OHIO!!!

I know, I know… aren’t we supposed to be in Africa by now?  Yes, we’d like to be. But with no visa news and the holidays approaching we decided to come home to be with our families for Christmas and continue to wait from the U.S.

All the plans were made very quickly, leaving us with only one day to pack up the last three months of our life in Jordan and plan our arrival in the U.S.  I decided it would be a shame to pass up this unique opportunity, so we pulled off FOUR big surprises on all four grandparents the day after our arrival. It was so fun and they were REALLY surprised (understatement?).


First stop was Mike’s parent’s house, where his Mom was at home. I thought it’d be cute to put the kids in gift bags, set them on the porch and ring the doorbell. And it was a cute idea, but not so cute in actuality when Hudson fell over and hit his head on the concrete and Noelle cried because I only gave her one ‘keep-her-quiet fruit snack’ instead of two (one for each hand… do other people’s toddler’s demand one snack for each hand!?).

Grandma was pretty happy!


Then we drove downtown to surprise both our Dads at their offices! Here’s mine!


Both times my little boy ran into the office yelling (in a four year old munchkin voice) “Poppi!!!” or “Grandpa!!” and each time our Dads looked up with a look of complete disbelief and frankly, confusion!! Ha!


Grammi was lucky last, cause we were ready to hunker down there for awhile after a couple days of craziness. Unfortunately the kids had fallen asleep in the car on the way home and weren’t feeling so happy about pictures.


Indeed, we are home for Christmas for the first time in six (SIX?!) years!


  1. Yay! How exciting for you all! I love the gift bags on the front porch idea, even if it didn't work out exactly as planned. Cute!

  2. WHAT? You are in the same country as I am? Hope you have the most memorable Christmas EVER!
