17 January 2012

Fresh to This World

This morning I got a text. It was a photo.


Have you ever seen a woman in labor look so happy and perky and beautiful! Um, yeah… you ain’t never EVER gonna see a pic of me when I was in labor up here in these virtual parts.... Lord have mercy… how does my sister look so fabulous?!!  This was even before the epidural!  Also, let me mention (with a tad of jealousy)… that she was 5 to 6 centimeters dilated before labor even really started… have you ever heard of such a thing?! She’s a machine, I tell ya…

Anyway, you may have guessed by now that she made me an Auntie again today! Woot woot!

Daphne Eve Marie was born this evening weighing 9 1/2 pounds and measuring 22 inches long.  She a healthy gorgeous thing and everyone is doing great!


She is perfect, has some good lungs (heard her on the phone calls!) and looking so much like her big brother’s little sister! I can’t wait to bundle her up in my arms when I get to take a solo (yes, I’m traveling alone!) trip to go and welcome her to this world myself sometime soon.

Congratulations Sar and Dave! She’s a miracle, formed by God’s hands and placed in your arms.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, Auntie Suz! Your sis looks so perky and cute in labor. What??? Daphne Eve Marie, what a presh name. Enjoy your cuddle visit whenever you get to her!
