14 December 2013

Goodbye Tours–Our Pajero

We went through several cars during our years in Africa. The first three did not have A/C (in 120 degree temps!). One was literally 30 years old. Another was periwinkle blue. All of them were old and expensive and dented and had issues.

In our last couple years we had the opportunity to purchase an old Pajero from some friends.


It was old. But it wasn’t crazy expensive. And it was dented. BUT IT HAD A/C. And it had 4 wheel drive. And it was big and bigger means we had more power and intimidation factor on the crazy-drivers-not-many-rules roads we drove on.

When you live in a place like the place we lived… you soon learn that you have to create your own fun. And one of the things we loved to do for fun was head out on desert road trips with friends. A big, somewhat reliable vehicle was an important factor in this equation and we were so thankful to get this vehicle for that reason too.

Here’s some photos of one of my all-time-favorite memories from our years in Africa. It’s when we took my parents camping with some of our dearest friends. We drove to see the pyramids, with lovely road-side stops along the way where we’d pull off to sip coffee that we had carefully packed…

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Don’t you love how the other vehicle has things piled up SUPER high on top?

I love it.

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L and I got to sit in the back. If it weren’t for her company back there, I probably would have been a cussing, fuming maniac. It was hot. And bumpy. And tight. And I’d do it all over again.

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My boy! Oh my word he’s so small. And yes, it was always that dirty. Welcome to life in the desert.

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After the pyramids we’d set up camp in the go-to camping spot for the ex-pats. Some slept out under the stars, including my parents! I’m still amazed and blessed by their joy in taking on any challenge we offered them during their visit.

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Time spent with loved ones around this tree in the valley between the rocks was so so special.

Aaaanyway. Funny how a vehicle can be such a blessing and somehow get a piece of your heart? It’s silly. But it’s true.

And so, before we left our beloved country, the kids climbed in and said…


… “Goodbye car”…

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