Don't you love them?!
Me too!
And tonight was one of them!
Would you like a couple more exclamation points?!
We were quite a bunch with Grammi and Poppi, our family of four, my sis's family of three (and a half), a childhood friend Kate, her fun hubby and two sweet kiddos too!
Dinner was hot dogs, tater tots and Grammi's delicious corn casserole. Duh.
Speaking of tots, which tot doesn't belong in this photo?
That'd be my bro-in-law. Remember when he got a new heart? Yeah. He's totally, amazingly healthy now. Like... playing golf, jumping on trampolines, making-all-the-tots-at-the-kiddie-table-laugh healthy! Thank you Jesus!
And here are the other two tots. These tots happily shared one chair at dinner. And I'd say they happily shared their dinner too, but it was really just Sweet N who ate Maggie's food when she had finished her own.
Maggie didn't seem to mind.
Maggie is so cool like that.
My boy chose to apply corn-on-the-cob eating strategy to his hot dog in a bun.
Maybe he likes to try new things like his Mom?
Maybe he got his All-American foods confused?
Maybe something else?
I have no explanation.
Then began after-dinner games. Like sprinkler running. Frank was a star at sprinkler running!
There was sidewalk chalking.
Love this photo. Love the color in little Maggie's eyes and in the chalk too! And that haircut! What a cute bob, wouldn't you say?!
(wink wink K & D... it really is great!)
There was also hop-scotching.
I deserve an award for getting two two year olds and one three year old to look at the camera and smile ALL AT THE SAME TIME.
Are you impressed?
Have you tried?
Oh well.
Also, look at how GREEEEEEEEN it is in this country.
A few times a day I stop. I look around. I stand amazed at the amount of green around me.
Then sometimes I sneeze.
Then I go back inside.
AAAAANYway... there was more chalking.
And these two had a long chat together out in the yard. Precious. I love munchkin talk.
And there was corn-hole. Would it be a summer evening with family and friends if there wasn't corn hole? I suppose. But a summer evening with corn-hole is a summer evening that the men enjoy more! Ha!
Oops. Forgot to ask who won.
There was even bug-watching. Ever seen a locust who was fresh from his shell?
We did.
And there was pool splashing with Miss Independent.
And after-swimming snuggles with Aunty.
The grand finale on the evening was a ride in Poppi's tractor's trailer.
They loved it. And that is an understatement.
Here are by babies (who aren't babies anymore, but I'm still gonna call them babies cause I'm in denial) after a rinse in the shower.
I think they had that tired, happy, satisfied feeling.
Then, during tuck-in, my boy H added "our new friends that we met tonight" to his usual list of people he wanted to pray for. I love it.
It was such a wonderful evening with family and friends who feel like family.
I have that tired, happy, satisfied feeling too.
Glorious, indeed! My two girls with their families and "my" Katie-girl and her family just fit together so, so perfectly! Beautiful evening! Beautiful people! God's beautiful world! It doesn't get better!