19 July 2011

On the Go

We have been on the go go GOOOO lately. Which is cool and all. Well, not actually cool. It's actually quite hot and humid around here. Blech. But I'm not complaining cause we usually go from air-conditioned place to air-conditioned car to another air-conditioned place.


And before I show you just a few random shots of recent goings, let me please show you a picture of someone else on the go. Someone who I don't know, but who I gathered great joy from watching drive down the road in this:

This man was happy. I mean he was loving his convertible a few days ago when he was out and about. He had his hand out feeling the wind through his fingers. He was soaking the sun up on his bald head. He was so so happy. I could just tell. And God bless his heart, did you take a look at his car? Did you even know that they made Geo Metro convertible? Like, thirty years ago apparently? I did not know this fact. But this man was loving his. And I loved that.

Makes me wanna get one.

But wait.

If I had a teeny weency Geo Metro, I don't think we could fit all three cousins in the backseat together to go to story hour at the library like we did today.

The fourth cuz was riding in the passenger's seat in my sister's belly. I just mention that in case you dare forget that she is pregnant. Let me just take it upon myself to remind you!!!!

And while we're on the subject of card rides, please just take a moment to let your heart burst as you see my boy riding in the car on Sunday.

You MUST love him.

You must.

K, moving on.

This has nothing to do with cars or car rides, but here is my boy at the dentist for the first time! He was a little apprehensive about the whole ordeal but he did amazing!!! He made me so proud.

And the last one is a sweet shot of my girlie who has been terribly out of sorts lately cause she's pushing molars through her tiny tender baby gums. She let her aunty cuddle her today on the couch. And then I took a picture. Cause it's a rare moment, indeed, when my firecracker daughter will lay down for a cuddle when her two big boy cousins are playing God-only-knows what kind of crazy, loud, messy and fight-inducing game on the other side of the couch.

We're busy, but we're oh-so-good.

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