09 May 2012

Locked Out

This afternoon a most unfortunate thing happened.


My daughter locked this door, leaving H and I outside on the balcony and leaving her locked inside the house. Alone.

Almost as soon as I realized what had happened I called Mikey and told him he’d need to come home right away to get to her.

I happened to be on Skype with my parents (yes, had my laptop out on the balcony) at the time and they suggested I try the bedroom window. What a good idea!!

Also I started documenting the situation because I (also) happened to have my camera out on the balcony and I’m a good blogger like that.


Anyway, this is the one window that goes into the house from the balcony. The bars obviously prevented me from getting in, but at least I could call her to the window and see her.


I don’t think she fully understood the seriousness of the situation. But that means I did my job right! I sat by the window and played with her through the bars and screen.


We played Peek-




She liked that. She also liked the smoothie I had for lunch and the marks you see on her cheek and forehead are the proof of that! Ha!


And she disappeared for awhile (calm my anxious heart) and returned with some food for me to eat!


And then twenty quick minutes later her Daddy came to her rescue.

And then he gave her a lecture about not locking the door.

And that was that.

Happy Ending, thank you Jesus!

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