18 September 2012

The Busier I Am…

Do you know what I’ve noticed the past few weeks? That the busier I am, the more I accomplish.

Ha! I know this seems glaringly obvious. You’re thinking “Duh, Suzanne”. Go ahead… say it! I know you’re thinking it. I’m thinking it too.

The last few weeks we have finally gotten into a routine. I am out of the house for many hours a week instead of just a few, which is quite a change from most of the past six years in this country.  And I’m putting my hands towards the work of something big… a brand-new preschool. A preschool with real-live kids and real-live staff and a real-life property and daily lessons and too many spiders and and and.  You’d think I’d be too busy and too tired to do much else than deal with all that.

And at the beginning this was true. And now, still true in some ways. I often am too tired to think about leaving the house in the afternoon after a day at school. And some days just drag and I can’t seem to stop yawning. Other days I am in bed at 8m. But still, somehow in the midst of all the busyness…I am more productive than I have been in a long time.

My email inbox is low. My daughter’s baby book photos are finally chosen after months and months of procrastination. I’m blogging again. My to-do list is shorter than it has been in years. And I even have time to do some crafts in the evening. Really?! And I nap often and sleep 8-9 hours a night. How can this be? It seems impossible.

But somehow, routine and productivity has spawned more productivity in my life lately. I think being super active has helped to keep my energy level up. I also think the fact that I have snippets of time in my office on my computer during the day while my assistant teacher is with the kiddos in the classroom (like right now!) has given me enough time to accomplish my daily ‘internet errands’ early in the day so that I don’t need to be on my computer in the evenings… which is amazingly refreshing!

I think also, that I am motivated to work towards all the tasks before me because I am certain that it was God who laid them out for me. I believe I’m walking in His will, even when it seemed a hard turn to take. That fact has given me confidence and energy and perseverance when otherwise, should I have been uncertain of God’s plans, I might not have been able to keep going through the rough patches (more of which are certain to come).

In conclusion (what is this, a science report?) I really just think it’s God’s grace… like it has ALWAYS been in all the interesting turns our lives have taken that has carried us from task to task, challenge to challenge, season to season and resting place to resting place.

My heart is so so thankful. My life is rhythmic. And my inbox is empty. Can I get an Amen?!

1 comment:

  1. Amen! I think you're right! Within reason, an active routine helps me to discipline myself to accomplish more also! I'd better go get busy!
