09 September 2010

Weekend Preparations

This is how I prepare for the weekend (Friday and Saturday is the weekend in this part of the world):

I pull this classic cookbook out of the basket.

I open to page 649 (almost got it memorized) and get out the ingredients for crepes.

Then I grab the blender and admire my recent purchase under my newly installed light! Like it? Glory to IKEA in Kuwait for that one. I have a thing for dimly lit kitchens. I can't explain it, but I do.

I simply dump the simple ingredients into the blender.

Give it a whirl with one hand while taking a picture with the other, naturally.

And cram it into my fridge between the infant formula and the egg-salad. Please note that I realize that my fridge that looks kinda gross in this photo. I cannot explain this. Don't judge me. I assure you it's perfectly safe to store food in there.

Tonight the flour-gluten-fairy (or something like that) will come and change the consistency of the batter. Tomorrow morning my fairied crepe batter will be ready to be cooked up into a dozen or so misshapen, unevenly golden-browned crepes for brunch. Delicious!

Three cheers for weekend traditions!


  1. I just made up some batter for tomorrow morning when we have some friends over before church. It reminds me of my Friday mornings with you guys :)

  2. Awwww, I miss our Friday mornings together. Your friends are about to blessed by your mad crepe skills!
