04 November 2010


Before I officially begin this post, I feel the need to warn my virtual readers that this post is not for the weak. The weary. The bleary eyed. The sleepy. The inpatient. Or the easily bored.

It's a doozie. There are enough pictures to bore anyone besides a dear grandparent or auntie.

So either take a deep breath and settle in for awhile or just skip it altogether and move onto another website to see how your stock did today.


Now you can't say I didn't warn you.

*** Post Officially Beginning***

I was so excited that our U.S. trip lined up with Halloween!!

You already know that all things fall are fun for me! So of course I was thrilled about putting my kiddos in costumes, visiting the pun'kin patch, riding in a hay wagon and taking them out to beg candy off strangers.

Sunday was the day!

This is Lehner's farm. Lehner's farm filled with all things 'harvesty.'

Like wagons and pun'kins, and *gasp* lions and unicorns?

Wow. That is one magical farm, wouldn't you say?

Fancy seeing them here!

Grandma managed to catch herself a pink fuzzy unicorn and hold her down for a photo shoot on a bench carved from logs with a red barn and pun'kins in the background. How harvesty!

And Grandpa put H in the bouncy farm(?).

Also very harvesty!

Boing. Boing. Boing.


Kid + Anything bouncy = Happy

Cute little lion climbing through a bouncy barrel (?).

Harvesty? Not sure.

But still cute.


Yes. I was wearing a hat. And gloves. To my delight the air was a bit chilly!

I took about a hundred photographs of my kids to try to get 'the one.'

And I got one 'one' of each of them. This is Sweet N's 'one.'

and here is H's 'one.'

And now I'll show you the other ninety-eight. Just for fun.

Just kidding.

Wow. Now that would make me psycho.

Instead I'll show you three of my boy feeding the goats.

Twenty-five cents for a handful of goat candy?


The goats were most interested, and my boy wasn't scared even when they licked him all over.

Well, okay. Not really all over. Just his hands.

Weren't you hoping I'd post another one of the furry pink unicorn?

You got your wish.

I guess maybe I got two of 'the one' photos of my girl.

Wait. Does that even make sense?

Ugh. You know what I mean.

Then we went home for a short while before the appointed time for the begging to begin.

N had a snack. Unicorn was trying to get herself a bite too.

And H and Grandpa carved pun'kins!

This picture was taken before the power tools came out.

I'm not joking.

Yay! Time for trick or treat! Grammi and Poppi chaperoned the first trip around the block. It took forty-five minutes. Extra large city block you wonder? Nope. Normal block. Just some short little lion legs.

H would 'rroooaaar' at most candy-passer-outers.

It. Was. Adorable.

Speaking of adorable...

Don't worry. I knew you'd be ready to see another picture of the unicorn. So I pre-empted your request by just going ahead to post another one.

I know you so well...

He loved the ghosts. I'm not sure how I feel about this as a parent. Whatever.

It was super funny watching H try to grab candy with his little lion mits on.

Don't worry. He always succeeded.

Running running running!

"Are you coming guys?"

Still running!

"Oooohhhh. What's dat?"

"It's Frankenstein. Can you say 'Frankenstein'?"


Short pause from the unnecessarily long coverage of the lion and the unicorn to bring you an attempt at creative photography by moi.

Do you like it?

I do.

Please note the bokeh.

What? You don't know what bokeh is? Don't worry. I didn't either until the Pioneer Woman explained it to me.

What? You don't know who the Pioneer Woman is?

C'mon people.

Google 'em.

Back to the unnecessarily long coverage...

Oh! And here's our pun'kins after dark. Notice the perfectly round holes in the pun'kin on the right?

Uh huh. That's where those power tools came in. You've never held such a hard pun'kin in all your life.


Okay! We're done begging! Look at the loot!

Now comes my favorite part.



and organizing! Can you believe all that chocolate? These were not stingy candy-passer-outers!

Recession shmecession.

And the final picture. My girlie just before she ate Nerds and Swedish Fish.

Just kidding.

I did not feed my daughter candy. There wasn't any left.



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