23 April 2012

Bed Head

The kids have been sleeping in because we have been keeping them up late. This has been our strategy to overcome jet lag and it’s working for the kids. But when I say “we” are keeping the kids up late I really just mean that Mikey is keeping the kids up late cause I have been turning into a pumpkin in the evenings and I have been offering him so assistance whatsoever. I blame that on the fact that I’ve been busting my butt all day every day and by 9 (10, 11) at night I’ve got nothin’ left.

Aaaanyway… when my boy joyfully stumbled out of bed a bit after 8 this morning, he had a bit of a bed head. He doesn’t usually (ever) get bed head, but since they have been getting necessary baths every night (also thanks only to Mikey) and going to bed with wet hair… I guess this is what happens.


He is just the most precious boy and I love these photos!!




  1. Bed head AND the I-just-woke-up face. Yes!

  2. May I commend you on the beautiful, comfy home I see in the background?! Looks clean to me! :)
