25 November 2013

Too Easy to Please?

Too easy to please. Is that even possible?


Please read on.

Last night: With absolutely no preparations and very little thought I fed my family soup from a box and grilled cheese. They loved it. The kids are borderline on soup still at their ages and my daughter barely more than nibbles at grilled cheese sandwiches sometimes even though she loves them, but all that ASIDE… it was a great hit of a dinner. It was so simple. The kids ate and Mikey looooved it.

Tonight: I really wanted to make a really nice meal. Things have been busy lately, we’ve been eating at the island and running a lot these days so I had something different in mind. I cooked a killer meal. I choose a recipe days ago. I planned. I prepared. I poured my heart out, you know?

I served gingered roast pork with apples along with cider walnut wild rice, a special sauce and a spinach salad. It was so SO good.


If you ask me, that is.

My husband was like ‘meh.’

And he did NOT want seconds. Even when I asked him point blank. That’s saying  a lot people. A lot.

Aaaaaand my children were gagging on every bite and spitting it out onto napkins and it was spilling onto the floor.


I get it. They like simple food. That’s great when I want to cook simple food. But what about when I want to cook something more than simple? I’d be cool if they’d like that too. At least the biggest one. Ha!

In the long run, of course I’m so thankful that Mikey doesn’t have high expectations.  It makes cooking quick and easy most of the time.

But it would be nice not to see gagging. That’s all.


  1. Have you been watching the Food Network again...tastes like you're experimenting again. Can't we just have something normal. I like normal. Grilled cheese is good....I know we had that last night...

  2. When you get the urge to cook up something a little fancy, come to us, Dahling! We'll rave it right up.
    But I know what you mean about a man with simple tastes. It's very helpful not to have picky, however, you may need to aid him in discovering his expressive side.
    Or just come to Iowa once in awhile.
