This is okay with me.
Recently after our old stove/oven started leaking gas constantly, it made it easy for us to make the decision to go ahead and get me my new stove that was promised at Christmas.
Before I show you the new one maybe I show you the old one?
Then, and only then, can you appreciate the new.
Maybe it looks okay to you. And I guess it was okay. I used it for five years in this condition.
But it had gotten quite filthy, yes. That's easy to see. But it also was only partially functional. The door made an awful noise when opening and closing and never did close all the way... so if the heat of the house itself wasn't enough... add to it the oven which would heat the entire kitchen right along with the oven itself. Whew. It was a bit much. My kitchen is often over 100 degrees. Although that might not change...
Also, only three of the burners worked. And only two of them were moderately reliable.
It had a serious hot spot in the front right side that caused every batch of muffins/cake/anything to seriously burn if I didn't properly rotate.
Oh yeah... and the door not closing caused the heat to rise directly onto the stove and oven controls... so it was never possible to touch the controls without hot pads or as I often used, tongs.
Okay. I think that covers it.
And now, drumroll please...
Hallelujah and Amen!
Isn't she a beaut?
All four burners work. The door closes all the way. The controls don't get hot. No awful noises. No leaking gas. No hot spot. No heat-the-entire-kitchen-like-the-oven capability.
Thank you Mikey!
I love it and I love you.
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