12 July 2010

Lining up the Ducks

I’m getting my ducks in a row. There are lots of little duckies… cause we’re about to travel!! With two kids!! To three countries!! On 7 flights! For 24 nights!! Yeee-haaw!!

We don’t have a choice but to leave the country to wait for our new visas. So we’re going to see three new countries while we wait. Why not, right? Right.

We’re blessed that Mike can continue some work from the ‘road’ and that we don’t have to go too far to see something new and exciting in this region of the world. You see, traveling adventures are our thing. Some people have a thing for nice cars. Some people have a thing for big TVs and satellite. Some people have a thing for eating out. Or boating or sky diving or taxidermy or quilting or eye-brow waxing or golf or botox or Louis Vuitton or skiing or cigars or stamp collecting or tattoos. These are some examples of things that people may have. We really don’t have any of those (I mean, have you seen my eyebrows lately?) We mostly just have a thing for seeing new places. This is what we love to do!

Discount airlines and strangers who are blessing us with housing are making this budget-adventure possible! I mean, one of our flights was only 25 dollars. Yes. You heard (read) me right. Those are U.S. dollars. 25 bucks. Only 25. 25 smackeroos is gonna get me to our first destination. And it’s not just the next town over or anything.

I’d like to take a moment to give glory to Jesus for all of this. I’d also like to give a shout out to Fly Dubai, the airline that requests less money to fly me to a different continent (how’s that for a hint) than a taxi driver who I might ask to drive me from one side of the city to the other.

So stay tuned the next few weeks for some travel chit-chat from yours truly. I promise to provide you with inconsequential commentary about aquatic vertebrates, a beach or two, some famous trees, and a European city transplanted, amongst other things. I also promise to show you way more pictures of my kiddos than you care to see. I mean, what else would you expect?

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